Bring the magic of Christmas to your home or event with Santa’s Balloon Bouquet. This festive arrangement features a 34-inch Santa supershape balloon with six additional balloons underneath, creating a fun and cheerful holiday display. Perfect for parties, decorations, or as a unique gift, this bouquet is filled with pure helium, allowing it to float beautifully for up to 72 hours.
What’s Included?
One 34-inch Santa Super Shape Balloon
Six Helium-Filled Balloons
Balloon weight to keep them in place
Transportation bag for easy carrying
Why Choose Santa’s Balloon Bouquet?
Helium-filled and ready to use
Floats for up to 72 hours with proper care
Same-day delivery available in Toronto and GTA
Perfect for Christmas parties, gifts, and home decor
High-quality balloons from the best balloon store in Toronto
Order today for same-day delivery and make your Christmas celebration unforgettable!